Top 4 Battle Royale Games in 2021 (Free to Download)

Khanzada Taimoor ul mulk
3 min readSep 4, 2021


Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Twitch, Youtube, and Facebook received 276 million hours of watch time from fight royale fans. Battle Royale games have taken control of the gaming industry.

As you must’ve seen, million-dollar tournaments and streamers broadcast games like PUBG and Fortnite, etc. So forth, most of those video games have a place with this type.

With loads of free games accessible in application stores under this miniature speciality, this article lists the four best br games on PC and mobile.

Right away then.

Player Unknown Battlegrounds(PUBG Mobile)

Photo by SCREEN POST on Unsplash

With over 500 million+ downloads on Android and IOS, PUBG mobile is one of the main io games in South Asia and China, developed by KRAFTON. At first, it came on PC, but the organization swiftly delivered a mobile variant of it.

Hundred online gamers join the hall to chase each other for that chicken dinner as 4-man teams, duos, or solos while the map shrinks under 30 minutes. After regular intervals, the corporation releases new PUBG updates, including season passes, playing modes, skins, and considerably more.

This game got so mainstream that KRAFTON coordinated the highest prize pool championship of $14 million in mobile esports history.

Epic Games Fortnite

Photo by Vlad Gorshkov on Unsplash

Generally played on PC and console, Fortnite is the same as PUBG. However, it is more played in North America and Europe.

The concept might be the same, yet at the same time, it edges over its opponents for certain various elements. For instance, providing cross-stages to play, better designs, and crafting step-case type safeguards inside the game to shield yourself from unsuspected gunshots.

Fortnite got around 70 million hours of watching on Twitch in 2021. You can find it in the EPIC games app.

Call of Duty: Warzone

Photo by Fábio Silva on Unsplash

Next on the bucket list, we have Call of Duty: Warzone, a game with over 100 million downloads soon after its release.

After getting eliminated by top Dawgs, you can get back in the match by fighting a 1v1 in prison called the Gulag. In contrast to the others, it has an enormous map called the Verdansk comprising 150 players prepared to battle it out till the end.

With a first-class interactive experience in FPP mode, this game is the face of Battle Royale games.

Gareena Free Fire

Photo by Toxic Player on Unsplash

The most underestimated round of the class. Period! Having a place in the top 10 android games, Gareena Free Fire was made in a contest for PUBG, and it was exceptionally successful.

This shooting match-up puts you on your toes. Simply because you’ve got a short measure of time to clear out the other 49 enemies. You can assist yourself with deadly weapons, explosives, and vehicles while the zone is upon you.

Bottom Line

Gaming doesn’t burn through your valuable time, and this mentality needs to change. During the lockdown, celebrities, UFC stars, and sports icons have begun streaming internet games on various stages. Youngsters, teens, and grown-ups are making their vocations from it.

Start your cutthroat journey with these Battle Royale games and comment below, which is another incredible game you would prefer to add.



Khanzada Taimoor ul mulk

Studying sucks and writing articles rock! Plus, I love to proofread and edit. Follow up if my work helps you in any way. Thanks!