3 Homemade Remedies to Dominate over Asthma

Khanzada Taimoor ul mulk
3 min readAug 16, 2021


Live a Relaxed life after this!

Smoke or Health-Choice is yours!

Are you going through severe asthmatic problems? Do you lose your inhaler or medications during an attack? Looking for a backup, well trust me you’ve come to the right place. We have jotted down the most effortless natural homemade remedies to dominate over asthma.

You’re right, there isn’t a proper cure for this disease, and it’s frustrating. Experts are trying to find a way out, but more research is required. However, the remedies listed down can work out to some extent.

Ready to find a Plan B? Let’s get right into it…

Breathing drills

Breathing techniques(do-it-yourself) are not difficult to follow up and are effective. They ease you up, empower work out, and work on nasal and stomach breathing. These also train you in holding your breath for quite a while in case you find yourself drowning. Who knows!

In simple words, they ought to most likely be a part of your adequate pharmacological treatment program. However, don’t attempt them during an asthmatic attack as it might aggravate the situation.

Most common breathing drills suggested by experts include:

  • Papworth Method
  • Buteyko breathing
  • Yogic breathing
  • Deep diaphragmatic breathing
  • Pursed-lip breathing

Yoga & Pranayama

Photo by Anupam Mahapatra on Unsplash

Yoga and Pranayama are spiritual practices that relax your mind just like your body. They’ll keep you charged and active the whole day. But can they control my asthma?

Yes of course!

Specialists suggest that yoga is presently seen as a powerful weapon that might help the 300 million asthmatic patients throughout the world.

An overview held in 2017 showed that yoga and pranayama had played a vital role in boosting the longevity of the respiratory muscles. It works perfectly for youngsters who have mild or moderate asthmatic symptoms.

All you need is a yoga mat and a Youtube tutorial playlist, and you’re good to go.

Health-tracking apps

Put your phone to good use! Photo by Rami Al-zayat on Unsplash

Instead of spending valuable time on Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat, take advantage of modern technology by downloading these health-tracking apps.

They will help in self-checking yourself and dealing with your physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

You can set medication reminders, receive guidance, input, and get educated about your health rates. When set up, you’ll never need to stress over missing your pill or be caught off guard for unexpected asthmatic attacks.

Bottom Line

There is no harm in testing out the indicated remedies at home and seeing the impacts. They have turned out for certain patients, which is why they’re a piece of the discussion. Although in one way or the other, these remedies will benefit you. So what’s to lose here!

Go ahead, and comment below about your encounters with this disease and assuming any, which another homemade remedy has worked for you.



Khanzada Taimoor ul mulk

Studying sucks and writing articles rock! Plus, I love to proofread and edit. Follow up if my work helps you in any way. Thanks!